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السيد ناصر بوريطة يتباحث مع نظيرته اللبنانية
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, held talks on July 14th, 2021, via videoconference with the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of National Defense and Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants of the Republic of Lebanon, Ms. Zeina Aker.

Mr. Bourita welcomed the excellent relations of cooperation and solidarity that unite the two brotherly countries, illustrated by the Royal Initiatives launched by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, on various occasions and that confirm the importance His Majesty attaches to the security and stability of Lebanon in order to overcome the difficulties and challenges it faces at the economic level and considering the unstable regional environment.

Mr. Bourita also affirmed that the Kingdom of Morocco, which has always advocated for Lebanon's sovereignty and territorial integrity, has great hopes that the Lebanese people will succeed in forming a national unity government able to launch a new dynamic in the Lebanese scene that can earn the trust of Lebanese people and the support of the international community.

Regarding the bilateral cooperation, Mr. Bourita expressed Morocco's readiness to update the legal framework and activate the bilateral cooperation mechanisms to serve the mutual interests of the two countries and peoples. The two ministers also agreed to form a Joint Consular Committee to look into visa issuing facilities for citizens of both countries and to explore ways of facilitating the recruitment of Lebanese talents in Morocco.

The two officials also agreed, at the academic level, to increase Lebanon's share of scholarships from 5 to 15.

Ms. Zeina Aker reiterated Lebanon's gratitude and great appreciation to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, for his solidarity initiatives with Lebanon, particularly the medical and food aid and the establishment of a medical-surgical hospital, following the explosion of Beirut Port on August 4, 2020, as well as the Royal donations presented to the Lebanese army and people on April 16, 2021, to face the economic challenges and the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Lebanese minister noted that the Moroccan initiatives at the benefit of her country are not spur-of-the-moment. The Kingdom of Morocco has always supported Lebanon since the Taif Agreement.

Regarding the Moroccan Sahara, Ms. Zeina Aker affirmed her country’s position in support of Morocco's sovereignty over its territory and its rejection of separatist entities.

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