MFA Nasser Bourita holds talks with his Madagascan counterpart

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The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, received, on june 14, 2024 in Rabat, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Madagascar, Ms. Rasata Rafaravavitafika.

In a joint press conference following their bilateral meeting, Mr. Nasser Bourita affirmed that the Kingdom of Morocco, on the high instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, is ready to broaden and diversify the areas of its cooperation with the Republic of Madagascar, with a view to raising bilateral relations to the level of the aspirations and potential of both countries.

The two countries are working on a roadmap to establish a dynamic partnership in priority areas for Morocco and Madagascar and to strengthen their bilateral relations, stressed Mr. Nasser Bourita.

This first visit of the Malagasy head of diplomacy constitutes an opportunity to draw up an action plan for the weeks and months to come, in order to establish a solid and diversified partnership, he stressed, noting that the two countries are working on a roadmap to strengthen their relations in the future.

In this respect, he stated that the forthcoming opening of a Madagascan Embassy in Rabat will be a major turning point in the consolidation of relations between the two countries and a mechanism for exploring available cooperation opportunities, noting that it has been agreed to relaunch the Joint Commission, which will meet shortly in Antananarivo, and to encourage sectoral visits between the concerned ministries, whether in the fields of renewable energy, agriculture, fertilizers, transport, tourism or territorial cooperation, as well as to strengthen training between the two countries, in the diplomatic field or in terms of vocational training.

Recalling the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between Morocco and Madagascar, Mr. Nasser Bourita said that it is an ideal opportunity to recall the solidity of bilateral relations and define ways to strengthen them, recalling, in this sense, the historic visit made by His Majesty King Mohammed VI to Madagascar in 2016, which was a milestone in bilateral ties.

After highlighting Madagascar's special place in the hearts and shared memories of Moroccans, given its link with the struggle of the Moroccan throne and people for independence, the minister indicated that Morocco is following with interest all the programs and plans launched by President Andry Rajoelina to strengthen his country's economic and development foundations.

Referring to South-South cooperation, Mr. Nasser Bourita stressed the importance of cooperation and experience sharing between African countries, underlining the joint coordination between Morocco and Madagascar at regional and international levels and at the United Nations, as well as regarding appointments to international organizations and issues on the African Union's agenda.

The Republic of Madagascar and the Kingdom of Morocco are fraternal nations and peoples, affirmed the Malagasy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Rasata Rafaravavitafika, She also announced the establishment of a new phase in bilateral cooperation.

 Madagascar's Foreign Minister praised the upcoming opening of a new embassy in Rabat. This move aims to bolster bilateral relations and cooperation with Morocco.

According to Ms. Rafaravavitafika, the signing of two agreements between Morocco and Madagascar, concerning healthcare and visa exemptions for holders of diplomatic and service passports from both countries, marks "a new phase in bilateral cooperation" and heralds "a new chapter in our history."

She also expressed gratitude to Morocco for granting additional scholarships to Malagasy students and diplomats.

Furthermore, she reiterated support for the United Nations' efforts while commending Morocco's serious and credible efforts to move towards a resolution of the dispute over the Moroccan Sahara.

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