MFA Nasser Bourita Holds Talks with His Malagasy Counterpart

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M. Nasser Bourita s'entretient avec son homologue malgache
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, held talks on May 18th, 2021 by videoconference, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Madagascar, Mr. Djacoba Oliva Tehindrazanarivelo. These talks are part of the longstanding relations of friendship and fraternity binding the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Madagascar, which seek to further strengthen their cooperation ties.

During these talks, the two Ministers welcomed the excellent relations of friendship and solidarity between the two countries, while commending the esteem and respect which mark relations between the two Heads of State, His Majesty King Mohammed VI and President Andry Rajoelina.

Mr. Bourita welcomed the decision taken by the Republic of Madagascar to open an embassy in Rabat.

Recalling the visit, in November 2016, to Antananarivo of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, which had been marked by the signing of 22 cooperation agreements in several areas, the two Ministers voiced their will to diversify their cooperation in all promising sectors, including agriculture, fisheries, health and tourism.

The two parties also agreed to hold the 2nd session of the Moroccan-Malagasy Joint Commission in Antananarivo, after the improvement of the global health situation, while expressing their satisfaction with the important decisions taken during the 1st Joint Commission held in Marrakech in March 2019.

Regarding the multilateral framework, the two Ministers stressed the importance of consultation on issues of common interest. In this regard, the Malagasy Minister pledged to examine the Moroccan candidacy for the post of Commissioner for Education, Science, Technology and Innovation of the African Union Commission.

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