MFA Nasser Bourita Holds Talks with Kyrgyzstan's Deputy FM

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Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates Nasser Bourita held talks, on December 23, 2022, in Rabat, with the Kyrgyz Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Artykbaev Muhtarovich, currently visiting the Kingdom.

In a statement to the press after this meeting, Mr. Muhtarovich said that these talks focused on the future of relations between Morocco and Kyrgyzstan, welcoming the excellence of these relations dating back to 1992.

He also announced that from next year, meetings and visits will be scheduled between the two countries, expressing his willingness to see bilateral relations deepen and consolidate through a future opening of two respective honorary consulates.

"Although Morocco and Kyrgyzstan still do not have respective embassies, we will continue to strengthen our bilateral ties and support each other within the United Nations," he continued.

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