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The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, held talks, on March 14, 2023 in Rabat, with members of the United States Congress.

During a press conference held after talks with Mr. Bourita, the U.S. Congressmen said they were very pleased to see firsthand the major reforms achieved by Morocco and the role played by HM the King in this regard.

"We recognize the leadership of Morocco in the region," said Adriano Espaillat, congratulating the Kingdom for its contribution to peace, particularly in the Middle East.

The Congressman praised the Kingdom's multiple reforms undertaken in favor of the family and the emancipation of women, as well as in economic investment and infrastructure.

Espaillat highlighted Morocco's place as a "leader" in the region and stressed the importance for the United States to continue this partnership, which he described as "solid".

"We will continue to work to develop our relationship with Morocco, which is becoming a model in the region," said Sylvia Garcia, also a member of the U.S. delegation, praising the African vision of HM King Mohammed VI.

For his part, Salud Carbajal praised the partnership between the Kingdom and the United States at the economic, military, security and environmental levels, highlighting the efforts made by both countries to address the many global challenges.

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