MFA Nasser Bourita holds talks with the President of the EBRD

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MFA Nasser Bourita holds talks with the President of the EBRD
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita held talks on Monday 24 May, 2021 by videoconference with the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Mrs. Odile Renaud-Basso.

During this meeting, Mr. Bourita praised the new strategy of the EBRD deployed in key areas such as green and digital transitions and that converge perfectly with the priorities outlined for the Kingdom by His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

Mr. Bourita also welcomed the positive dynamic of cooperation between Morocco and the EBRD on the bilateral and trilateral levels, noting that this cooperation was particularly strengthened during the Covid-19 pandemic, both posing challenges and offering opportunities elsewhere.

Mr. Bourita also affirmed the Kingdom’s active engagement within the framework of the new Neighbourhood Communication vision, reiterating Morocco’s determination to make the Southern Neighbourhood a success story.

The Minister also underlined that Morocco, as a platform towards Africa, remains ready to share its knowledge of the continent, its expertise as well as its network to implement common actions on the continent noting the interest of Morocco to host the EBRD MENA regional headquarters.

Mrs. Renaud-Basso stressed that Morocco was a key partner of the EBRD, with which cooperation had been particularly consolidated during the period of the pandemic.

The President also underlined the priority areas of the EBRD's actions in Morocco, namely the development of the private sector, support for the transformation of public enterprises, the fight against social and territorial inequalities with the launch by Morocco of social protection systems as well as the digitization of the administration.

Mrs. Renaud-Basso congratulated Morocco for its leading role at the regional level, as well as for its commitment to a green transition, in particular through the development of renewable energies as well as its actions during the presidency of COP 22.

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