MFA Nasser Bourita meets with representatives of United Nations agencies based in Rabat

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MFA Nasser Bourita meets with representatives of United Nations agencies based in Rabat
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita met on April 27, 2021 by videoconference, representatives of United Nations agencies based in Rabat regarding Morocco's management of the Covid-19 pandemic.

This meeting, which is part of the regular consultations of the UN team in Rabat with the Foreign Ministry in its capacity as National Coordinator of operational activities of the UN Development System, made it possible to assess the action of UN agencies in supporting the management of the pandemic and the post-Covid economic recovery.

In this regard, MFA Bourita highlighted Morocco's approach in fighting against the pandemic, guided by the High Royal guidelines. This approach is based on anticipation by triggering proactive measures as soon as the virus appeared, on adaptation by mobilizing resources and actors available as well as on social, territorial and international solidarity.

Morocco has mobilized all instruments of solidarity to maintain social cohesion in difficult times, the MFA Bourita said. Thanks to the royal vision placing the human being at the heart of the action, Morocco has accelerated the implementation of large-scale social projects, such as the expansion of social protection, which is particularly relevant in times of pandemics, he said.

MFA Bourita also welcomed the support and contribution made by the United Nations agencies since the outbreak of the health crisis to the various ministerial departments and other national partners.

Mrs. Lopez-Ekra welcomed Morocco's responsiveness in declaring a state of health emergency as the first cases appeared, mobilizing the various industries for the production of protective materials, developing screening and anticipating the acquisition of vaccines.

The health response has gone hand in hand with a socio-economic response, particularly through the creation of the Covid Fund and the launch of the Mohammed VI Fund for Investment, said the UN official.

This comprehensive approach, she added, has enabled Morocco to be among the top 10 countries in the world in terms of immunization, ranking first on the African continent.

Lopez-Ekra also announced the launch of a dialogue with the Moroccan government to provide adequate support to the various sectors affected by the health crisis.

The UN officials shared their perspectives on the actions taken since the beginning of the pandemic in terms of support to the Moroccan government and civil society actors, outlining their proposals for action in the context of the post-Covid recovery.

The two parties agreed to continue their joint action to strengthen cooperation relations through the mobilization of promising partnerships, the promotion of concrete development projects and innovative solutions as well as the sharing of experiences and good practices in the framework of South-South and triangular cooperation.

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