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Morocco has distinguished itself by turning the challenges of the Covid-19 crisis into opportunities, via the launch of a comprehensive program of transformative reforms, said Saturday, December 4th, in Rome, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, MFA Nasser Bourita.

"The Kingdom has worked to turn the challenges of the pandemic into opportunities, including the creation of the strategic investment fund, the support of the private sector, capital injection of the equivalent of 11% of GDP in the national economy, and the in-depth reform of the social protection system to boost human capital and generalize health coverage to all Moroccans," said the Minister via teleconference at the 7th Med Dialogues Forum.

Under the leadership of HM King Mohammed VI, Morocco has also implemented an ambitious project to manufacture vaccines against covid-19, to secure the health sovereignty of the kingdom and African countries, explained Bourita.

"Firmly and systematically turned towards Africa, the country has channeled, under the High Royal Instructions, medical aid to nearly twenty African countries and to the African Union Commission, to accompany them in their efforts to fight the pandemic'', added the minister.

In addition, Bourita noted that the health crisis has strongly demonstrated the importance of regularizing the situation of migrants and the need to ensure access to security, including social, adding that the pandemic has emphasized the centrality of the Marrakech Pact.

The Minister pointed out that the pandemic has not prevented the kingdom, designated champion of the implementation of the Marrakech Pact, to work in this regard, referring to the last intergovernmental meeting for the African regional review of the implementation of the Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular migration, held in September with the aim of examining the implementation in Africa of the pact and consolidate conclusions to enrich the international migration review forum, scheduled in 2022.

The Minister also recalled the inauguration of the African Migration Observatory in Rabat in December 2020, the first institution of the African Union that reflects the vision of HM King Mohammed VI, an African leader in migration.

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