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Intergroupe Italie
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita received, on June 3rd, 2022 in Rabat, a delegation of the Italian parliamentary intergroup in support of the autonomy plan for the Moroccan Sahara.

In a statement to the press after the meeting with MFA Nasser Bourita, the Italian MP, Mr. Marco Di Maio welcomed the serious and credible efforts made by Morocco in the framework of the Moroccan autonomy proposal aiming to find a lasting, fair and consensual solution under the exclusive auspices of the United Nations.

The Italian MP who is leading this delegation to Morocco said that the creation of the parliamentary intergroup in support of the autonomy plan comes at the initiative of several deputies and senators from different Italian political groups, adding that the objective is to generate and enrich the debate on the Sahara issue under the Italian parliament.

Similarly, the Italian senator, Ms. Urania Papatheu, indicated that the visit to Morocco of this delegation of Italian parliamentarians is part of an active parliamentary diplomacy in favor of the UN process on the Sahara issue, noting that this parliamentary intergroup supports the option of a consensual solution to the artificial conflict over the Sahara.

In a statement, the members of this parliamentary intergroup stressed that in response to the call of the Security Council and the international community, "the Kingdom of Morocco has initiated a positive dynamic through the autonomy plan for the Moroccan Sahara, supported by various African, Arab, Asian and American countries".

The same source noted "the dispute over the Moroccan Sahara remains one of the obstacles to the achievement of the Maghreb Union and its building on solid foundations and solidarity to face the common challenges in the region, especially in the security field and also in terms of the fight against terrorism and climate change”.

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