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MFA Nasser Bourita receives his Mauritanian counterpart
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, received on September 28, 2021 in Rabat, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Mauritanians Abroad, Mr. Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed.

During a press conference at the end of their meeting, the two ministers welcomed the excellent historical and human relations between the two countries.

MFA Bourita affirmed that Rabat and Nouakchott regularly exchange views on bilateral and regional issues, in line with the of His Guidelines of His Majesty King Mohammed VI and the Mauritanian President, His Excellency Mr. Mohamed Ould El-Ghazaouani.

MFA Bourita declared that he had exchanged with his counterpart on the next steps likely to further strengthen their cooperation, in particular through the Businessmen Forum which will soon be held in parallel with the Joint Higher Commission.

He also noted that more than 60% of foreign students in Morocco are Mauritanians, which testifies to the importance of the human dimension in the consolidation of relations between the two countries.

Mr. Bourita also expressed the strong common will to activate cooperation mechanisms between the two countries, particularly in the economic field, by promoting trade and encouraging investment.

Mr. Ould Cheikh Ahmed praised the Moroccan-Mauritanian relations, qualifying them as distinguished, coordinated and permanent.

He also welcomed the level of cooperation between the two countries in various fields, and the regular holding of government meetings as well as the exchange of visits between economic actors and businessmen.

The visit of the Mauritanian minister was also marked by the organization of the ceremony of laying the foundation stone for the construction of the Mauritanian diplomatic complex in Rabat, which was chaired by, Mr. Nasser Bourita and Mr. Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed.


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