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The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, received on February 27, 2023 in Rabat, the Palestinian Minister of Social Development, Mr. Ahmad Majdalani.

In a statement to the press following the talks, Mr. Bourita said that Morocco's positions towards the Palestinian cause are clear and constant as expressed by HM King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al Quds Committee.

Morocco is in favor of the two-state solution and the establishment of a Palestinian state on the basis of the 1967 borders with East Al-Quds as its capital, Mr. Bourita told the press, stressing the support of HM King Mohammed VI to the Palestinian Authority and everything it undertakes to preserve the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.

The Kingdom is opposed to anything that could undermine the prospects of this solution, unilateral actions, settlement policy, and all provocative acts that could undermine the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, he argued.

Morocco has relations with the State of Israel, but these do not and cannot affect the relationship between the Kingdom and the Palestinian people, nor the defense of their legitimate rights, as expressed by HM the King in His telephone conversation with President Mahmoud Abbas on December 10, 2020, the Minister stressed.

Mr. Bourita said, moreover, that this meeting was an opportunity to discuss bilateral cooperation in all areas, and particularly in the social field, reiterating "the Kingdom’s readiness to put its resources and experience at the service of our Palestinian brothers", in accordance with the clear Royal Directives that emphasize that Morocco remains at the side of the State of Palestine and the Palestinian Authority, and that it defends the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.

The current context in the region calls for restraint and de-escalation, and for each party to assume its responsibility, away from unilateral policies and provocations, he noted, adding that Morocco has expressed this position clearly, following the latest policies adopted by the Israeli government that promote settlement and exacerbate provocations, particularly at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

For his part, Mr. Majdalani highlighted the historic role played by Morocco in supporting Al-Quds al-Sharif.

Morocco "plays an important role in supporting the Palestinian cause, the Palestinian people and their inalienable rights to establish their independent state on the borders of July 4, 1967 with East Al Quds as its capital," Mr. Majdalani told the press.

He commended, in this regard, the efforts undertaken by the Al-Quds Committee, chaired by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, at the cultural and development levels.

On the other hand, the Palestinian minister stressed that his meeting with Mr. Bourita was an opportunity "to exchange views on the deterioration of the situation in Palestine," in light of the policy of the new Israeli government that has eliminated the two-state solution, which is the subject of a consensus at the international level, from the negotiating table with the Palestinians, opting for a unilateral solution that could lead to instability in the region.

This meeting was also an opportunity to discuss bilateral cooperation between the State of Palestine and Morocco in various fields, as well as ways to develop this cooperation, the Palestinian minister added, noting that bilateral relations will soon see more joint action.

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