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The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, received, on June 26, 2023 in Rabat, a Chilean parliamentary delegation led by the President of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Chilean Senate, Mr. Francisco Chahuán.

In a statement to the press following talks with Mr. Bourita, Mr. Chahuán reaffirmed Chile’s unwavering support for the Moroccan autonomy initiative proposed by the Kingdom with a view to finding a definitive solution to the regional dispute over the Moroccan Sahara.

"Chile's position is unwavering in its support for Morocco's territorial integrity. This is a matter of principle in its foreign policy, which remains unchanged and is one of the constants of our country's democratic governments," Mr. Chahuán told the press.

"The visit to Morocco by the Chilean Senate's Committee on Foreign Relations supports the firm position of the State of Chile on the territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Morocco, and we wish to work together so that other countries can back this proposal, particularly in the Latin American region," added Mr. Chahuán, who is leading a large delegation from the Chilean Senate visiting the Kingdom at the invitation of the House of Councillors.

Noting that the two countries face common challenges, Mr. Chahuán expressed his country's full readiness to strengthen cooperation with Morocco, through a free-trade agreement that would enable trade links between Morocco and Chile to be strengthened, underlining in this respect his country's great interest in Morocco's fertilizer sector, as well as in the development of the green hydrogen industry.

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