MFA Nasser Bourita receives the Special Envoy of the Chinese Government on the Middle East

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The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, received, on 09 July, 2024 in Rabat, the Special Envoy of the Chinese Government on the Middle East, Mr. Zhai Jun.

During a visit to Morocco as part of preparations for the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation to be held in Beijing in September, Zhai said China wishes to rely on the Kingdom's active participation in the Forum and its leadership in Africa in favor of this important event's success, held at summit level this year.

For his part, Mr. Nasser Bourita emphasized the Kingdom's commitment, under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI to peace, stability and multidimensional development in Africa.

He also underlined Morocco's commitment and determination to work jointly with China and sister African countries for the success of the Forum, so as to promote the continent's assets and potential and meet its challenges.

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