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MFA Nasser Bourita takes part in the 3rd meeting of the High Committee in charge of the agenda for the Decade of African Roots and the African Diaspora.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, took part on December 13, 2021, by videoconference, in the 3rd meeting of the High Committee in charge of the agenda for the Decade of African Roots and the African Diaspora.

Mr. Bourita noted in his speech that the African diaspora has the know-how and the expertise that are highly beneficial to the African continent economies, particularly in the context of globalization and the emergence of new opportunities for Africa
The minister reiterated that Morocco, as part of its commitment, confirmed its financial contribution announced during the second meeting of the High Committee and offered to assign two executives on a full-time basis to assist this Committee.
Stressing that the amounts of fund transfer from the African diaspora continue to increase, Mr. Bourita added that the High Committee suggested calling on African FinTech start-ups in order to conduct a reflection aimed at reducing transfer rates which are currently at 15%, the highest rate in the world, and to diversify fund transfer organizations.
The Minister also said that the African Migration Observatory could play a "pioneering role" alongside the High Committee for the establishment of a mapping system of skills, at all levels, of the African diaspora to facilitate the mobility of African labor, as well as the dissemination of their know-how.
He also advocated an e-business platform that could be created to relay success stories of successful initiatives of the African diaspora both abroad and on the continent.
It is in this perspective that the commitment and action of the Kingdom of Morocco alongside the Republic of Togo, are made to make this initiative a model of success and a concrete and sustainable achievement at the continental level, while contributing substantially and financially, as announced at the second meeting of the High Committee, added the minister.

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