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M. Jazouli tient à Washington une série de réunions avec de hauts responsables américains
Washington - Minister Delegate to the minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans abroad, Mohcine Jazouli, held talks Monday in Washington with several US senior officials.

Jazouli had a working session with Adam Boehler, Executive Chairman of Prosper Africa.

Prosper Africa is a U.S. Government-led initiative which aims to substantially increase two-way trade and investment between the United States and Africa.

On this occasion, Jazouli highlighted the achievements made by Morocco under the leadership of HM King Mohammed VI and which have enabled the kingdom to be among the most attractive countries in terms of investment and a key player in Africa.

In this regard, the two sides agreed on a roadmap to strengthen US investment in Morocco and the co-financing of socio-economic projects across the African continent.

Jazouli also had a meeting with CEO of the Corporate Council on Africa (CCA), Florizelle Liser.

Discussions focused on preparations for the US-Africa Business Summit to be held in Marrakech in the coming months.

This summit is expected to bring together a large number of African countries as well as 400 large US companies in order to give new impetus to the economic partnership between the United States and Africa.

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