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Concitoyens bloqués à l’étranger. Nasser Bourita :  Le centre d'appels du MAEC a reçu plus de 48.000 communications en 30 jours
Rabat, (MOFA)- The call center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates received more than 48,000 communications between March 15 and April 17, in the midst of the coronavirus propagation crisis, Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita said adding that the center initially dedicated to consular affairs turned into Moroccans abroad and the management of Covid-19.

In this context, Mr. Bourita stated that more than 22,000 Moroccans stranded abroad have contacted the various diplomatic representations of the Kingdom, in a statement to MAP at the end of a meeting of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, National Defense, Islamic Affairs and Moroccan Expatriates in the House of Representatives.

The Ministry's services, he added, have covered the accommodation costs of 3,844 people, the costs of medical consultations for 147 others, the extension of visas and regularization of the situation for many Moroccan citizens.

Emphasis is also placed on the continuity of consular services in these circumstances of the spread of the coronavirus, the Minister continued.

On the communication side, Mr. Bourita stressed on the importance of local, rather than centralized, communication to all Moroccans abroad. The Ministry, he added, will put online the contacts of each Consul on his portal, to facilitate communication with the people concerned in a spirit of responsibility and mutual respect, in addition to the call center and monitoring cells.

On the other hand, the Minister stressed that since the decision to close the borders on March 15, "no person has been authorized to enter Morocco, because such a measure required firm and rigorous treatment". Similarly, the return of Moroccans stranded abroad must be seen in the context of strengthening the significant gains made by the Kingdom in the fight against the spread of the coronavirus.

The return of Moroccan citizens stranded aboard after the temporary closure of borders, as part of preventive measures taken by the Kingdom, "should be another proof of the success of the Moroccan approach to the crisis management," he said.

After insisting on the indisputable right of Moroccans to return to their country, Mr. Bourita said that this operation must be carried out gradually under the best circumstances. He also called for consideration to be given to the economic, social and legal dimensions of the consequences of the pandemic on Moroccan Expatriates, particularly in European countries hardly hit by the virus.

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