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Signature de trois accords de coopération entre le Maroc et la République centrafricaine
Rabat, (MoFA) - Morocco and the Central African Republic (CAR) signed, Thursday in Rabat, three cooperation agreements in the areas of handicrafts, social and solidarity economy, health and tourism. Signed by Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Expatraites, Mr. Nasser Bourita, and his Central African counterpart, Sylvie Baïpo-Temon, these cooperation agreements aim to strengthen partnership and promote the exchange of experiences between the two countries.

The first agreement aims to set the framework for exchange and collaboration in the area of handicrafts and social and solidarity economy. Under this agreement, the two parties agree to cooperate and help each other in areas relating, in particular, to technical assistance, vocational training, promoting partnership and capacity building.

The second text is an agreement protocol that defines the framework for cooperation between the CAR and the Kingdom in the area of public health. This cooperation will take concrete form through the exchange of experiences in the various health fields and through the implementation of programs agreed upon by both parties. The agreement is also intended to encourage cooperation between hospitals and health institutions in both countries. The third cooperation agreement relates to the area of tourism as it will enable both parties to take the necessary measures to promote and strengthen tourism exchanges between the two countries.

It also aims to promote cooperation between the two countries' central tourism bodies, national tourism and transport establishments, as well as tourism agencies and professional associations. Speaking to reporters at the end of talks with her Moroccan counterpart, Baïpo-Temon, who is on a working visit to Morocco, expressed the gratitude of the CAR government and people for the constant Kingdom's interest in the situation in her country, stressing that in terms of bilateral cooperation, "the Kingdom is among the CAR's privileged partners."

She also welcomed the multifaceted support provided by Morocco to the CAR, especially within the framework of security, including the presence of a Moroccan contingent within the United Nations Stabilization Mission in CAR (MINUSCA), the humanitarian and economic areas (rehabilitation of the hospital, resumption of air connection to Bangui by Royal Air Maroc in the coming days), scholarships and training in favor of Central African students, and the holding of regular consultations. The Minister also praised Morocco's support for her country within the United Nations.

For his part, Mr.Bourita stressed that these agreements "strengthen the legal framework of our relations," adding that "the aim is to work on the implementation of all the agreements signed during the joint mission and completed by today's agreements."

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