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Maroc-UE : Pour un partenariat rénové post Covid-19
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, received on December 1, 2020 the European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement, Mr. Oliver Varhelyi.

The meeting between MFA Bourita and Mr. Varhelyi made it possible to discuss areas of mutual interest and new opportunities of cooperation with the Kingdom, as part of the new impetus given to the EU-Morocco partnership since the Association Council in June 2019.

At the end of their talks, the two officials gave a joint statement during which MFA Bourita reiterated the wish that the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) won’t be limited to the financial aspect, and should be seen as a real partnership with better involvement of neighboring countries in the decisions that will eventually impact them.

MFA Bourita expressed this wish knowing that the European Union (EU) is in the process of developing a new European neighbourhood policy, while reiterating his appreciation of the EU's consultation and sharing approach.

On the bilateral side, the Minister highlighted Morocco's intention to "preserve the four spaces that unite us: an area of ​​common values, dialogue and security, an economic and social area and a space of knowledge and 'education'.

Added to this, the Morocco-EU partnership is also deployed around transversal axes including digital, migration and the green economy. According to MFA Bourita, this structure must be fueled by concrete actions, thus highlighting the innovative nature of the approach adopted by the Kingdom within the framework of this partnership.

For his part, Mr. Oliver Varhelyi, who is making his first visit to a neighboring country, said he was "happy to be in Rabat to meet my key partner, with whom we were able to work closely during the period of the pandemic, to achieve concrete results”.

The European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement also underlined that his visit to Morocco was part of post-Covid-19 planning with the aim, in particular, of restoring the economy after the health crisis with a renewed partnership capable to “influence the economic and social reality of the coming years.”

He also said that in view of Morocco's exemplary figures during this crisis as well as its performance, the EU is keen to consolidate the economic component by attracting more investments.

In addition, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates had, the same day, talks with the European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ms. Ylva Johansson, currently visiting Morocco with her counterpart. Mr. Oliver Varhelyi.


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