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Le Maroc exprime son admiration pour le rôle joué par la Colombie dans la crise vénézuélienne (Fouad Yazourh)
Rabat - Morocco expresses its admiration for the role played by Colombia in the Venezuelan crisis, said, on Thursday in Rabat, director general of bilateral relations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African cooperation and Moroccans Abroad, ambassador Fouad Yazourh.

In a statement to MAP, at the end of the 2nd Moroccan-Colombian joint commission for technical and scientific cooperation, which he co-chaired with Colombian vice-minister for multilateral affairs at the Ministry of External Relations Adriana Mejia Hernandez, the ambassador noted that this role is mirrored in terms of welcoming hundreds of thousands of Venezuelan refugees with steadfast solidarity and sharing of resources, particularly in health and education.

He also said that Morocco and Colombia share the same political vision regarding the solution to the Venezuelan question, adding that the Kingdom understands the legitimate aspirations of the Venezuelan people who live in a difficult situation with regard to democracy and peace.

Yazourh also noted that Morocco sees no other solution to this issue than the organization of free elections that allow Venezuelans to freely choose their institutions.

He also said that the 2nd Moroccan-Colombian joint commission for technical and scientific cooperation was an opportunity to discuss the significant potential for the two countries in several sectors including tourism, handicraft, culture and sport.

The commission wrapped up the session by the approval of a bilateral cooperation program for 2020-2022.

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