Morocco-Germany: Key points of the Joint Declaration

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The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates of the Kingdom of Morocco, Mr. Nasser Bourita and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany, Annalena Baerbock, proceeded, on june 29, 2024 in Berlin; to the signing of a joint declaration between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Federal Republic of Germany.

In this joint declaration Germany commended the reforms carried out by Morocco under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, for a more open and dynamic Moroccan society and economy.

Germany welcomed the reforms carried out by Morocco, under the Leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, for a more open and dynamic Moroccan society and economy.

Germany also praised Morocco's active and constructive role and contribution, under the Sovereign's leadership, to peace and stability in the region.

To this end, Berlin reaffirmed Germany's vision of Morocco as an essential partner of the European Union, NATO and Germany in Africa, and a crucial link between North and South.

Germany also indicated that it was "closely following the initiatives launched by His Majesty King Mohammed VI for the African continent, including that of November 6, 2023 for the Sahel region."

Mr. Nasser Bourita and Ms. Baerbock held the first session of the bilateral strategic dialogue, in accordance with the joint declaration adopted on the occasion of Baerbock's visit to Morocco on August 25, 2022.

Germany said it is closely following the initiatives launched by His Majesty King Mohammed VI for Africa, citing the Royal Initiative to enable Atlantic Ocean access for Sahel States.

Germany is closely following the initiatives launched by His Majesty King Mohammed VI for the African continent, including that of November 6, 2023 for the Sahel region" with the aim of facilitating access to the Atlantic Ocean for the countries of the region.

Germany also commended Morocco's active and constructive role and contribution, under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, to peace and stability in the region, reaffirming that the Kingdom is an essential partner of the European Union, NATO and Germany in Africa, and a crucial link between North and South.


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