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maroc guinée bissau
Rabat, (MoFA) - Morocco and Guinea Bissau inked, Wednesday in Rabat, four cooperation agreements in the areas of industry, tourism, transport, energy and logistics, aimed at further strengthening the exchange of experiences and expertise between the two countries.

These agreements were signed by Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, and his Bissau-Guinean counterpart, Suzi Carla Barbosa, who is on a working visit to Morocco.

The first agreement is an industrial cooperation protocol designed to promote cooperation through encouraging private initiative and exchanging experience and expertise in industrial policy.

The second is a framework agreement, which is an instrument of cooperation in the energy sector aimed at strengthening experience and expertise exchange in the area of electricity, renewable energy and energy efficiency.

The third cooperation agreement touches on tourism, as it allows both parties to take the necessary measures to promote and strengthen tourism exchanges between the two countries. It also aims to promote cooperation between the two countries' tourism bodies, national tourism and transport institutions, as well as the tourism agencies and professional associations.

The fourth framework cooperation agreement relates to the logistics sector. It aims at establishing a mutually beneficial approach for cooperation between the two parties, in order to turn logistics into a lever of competitiveness, facilitate the fluidity of logistics flows and promote closer ties between the economic stakeholders of the two countries.

The signing of these agreements reflects the will of both countries to further strengthen their cooperation, particularly in economic areas, Foreign Minister of Guinea Bissau told reporters following talks with her Moroccan counterpart.

The Guinea Bissau official also expressed her country's will to further strengthen its cooperation with Morocco, especially in the economic field, through the presence of more Moroccan companies in her country and the upcoming launch of a direct air connection operated by Royal Air Maroc with her country.

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