Morocco - Guinea: Key points of the Joint Communiqué

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The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Integration and Guineans Living Abroad, Dr. Morissanda Kouyate, proceeded on May 09, 2023 in Rabat, to the signing of a joint communiqué between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Guinea.

During their meeting, Mr. Nasser Bourita and H.E. Dr. Morissanda Kouyaté welcomed the excellence of the deep ties of fraternal and traditional friendship between the Moroccan and Guinean peoples and the mutual respect that exists between HM King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, and H.E. the President of the Transition, Head of State Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya, as well as the shared will to make Moroccan-Guinean partnership relations an exceptional model of inter-African cooperation. H.E. the President of the Transition, Head of State Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya, as well as the shared will to make the Moroccan-Guinean partnership relations an exceptional model of inter-African cooperation, based on the values of solidarity, exchange and sharing.

The two ministers welcomed the great strides made in the various areas of cooperation since the two Royal Visits of His Majesty the King, may God assist Him, to Conakry, in 2014 and 2017, and since the current transition in Guinea.

Both parties welcomed the sustained pace of mutually beneficial and fruitful bilateral cooperation between the two countries as well as the prospects for diversification and consolidation of this partnership in promising sectors such as training, agriculture, food security, marine fisheries, health, energy, management and operation of ports and mines.

During this meeting, Dr. Morissanda Kouyaté informed Mr. Bourita of the latest developments in Guinea, with particular emphasis on the implementation of the transition timetable agreed with ECOWAS, in December 2022 as well as the ongoing efforts of the transitional authorities for the "re-foundation" of the state to meet the aspirations and expectations of the Guinean people.

Mr. Bourita said that the Kingdom of Morocco assures its support and readiness to accompany the Republic of Guinea in the success of the transition process underway and the achievement of the aspirations of the Guinean people for democratic and strong institutions, able to continue the conduct of the country towards peace, development and prosperity.

Addressing regional and international issues of common interest, the two Ministers noted, with satisfaction, their convergence of views on the various issues raised. They reiterated their determination to participate in efforts to settle disputes in Africa and welcomed the constant efforts made by Morocco, under the wise and enlightened leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, and by the Republic of Guinea under the leadership of H.E. Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya in favor of peace and development on the continent.

Regarding the Sahara issue, His Excellency Dr. Morissanda Kouyate:

  • Recalled Guinea's firm and constant support for the territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Morocco;
  • Welcomed the efforts of the United Nations as the exclusive and consensual framework for reaching a realistic, practical and lasting solution to the Sahara regional dispute;
  • Reaffirmed the support of the Republic of Guinea to the initiative of the Autonomy Plan presented by the Kingdom of Morocco, which constitutes the only credible and realistic solution for the resolution of this dispute;
  • Stressed, in this sense, that the opening by the Republic of Guinea of a Consulate General in Dakhla, in January 2020, is in line with the historical position of the Republic of Guinea.

The two ministers welcomed the dynamics set in motion within the framework of the Atlantic African States Initiative to make the Atlantic African space a geostrategic framework for cooperation and intra-African consultation, pragmatic and timely.

Both parties welcomed the signing in December 2022 of the tripartite Memorandum of Understanding between Morocco, Nigeria and Guinea (Société Nationale des Pétroles) on the Morocco-Nigeria gas pipeline project.

The two ministers welcomed, on the same occasion, the progress of this major strategic work, which will benefit the whole of West Africa by helping to structure a regional electricity market, by constituting a substantial source of energy for industrial development, improving economic competitiveness and accelerating social development, and by ensuring the food security of the population.

The two parties agreed to further enhance their partnership, placed under the sign of South-South cooperation and which should allow the private sectors of both countries to continue to play an important role in boosting economic exchanges.

The two ministers agreed to hold the 7th session of the Joint Commission of Cooperation between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Guinea in July 2023 in Dakhla.

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