Morocco hails the positive developments between Saudi Arabia and Qatar

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لمغرب يعبر عن ارتياحه للتطور الإيجابي الذي تشهده العلاقات بين المملكة العربية السعودية ودولة قطر
The Kingdom of Morocco expressed today its satisfaction following the positive developments between Saudi Arabia and Qatar and for the signing of the "Al-Ula Declaration", following the 41st session of the Gulf Cooperation Council Summit (GCC).

Considering the bonds of sincere affection that unite His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God Assist Him, to His Brothers, the leaders of the Arab Gulf States, Morocco expressed its hope that these are positive steps towards reunification, rebuilding mutual trust and overcoming this crisis in order to consolidate the unity within the Gulf family.
The Kingdom of Morocco hails the efforts made by the brotherly Kuwait and commends the constructive role of the United States in this regard.

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