Morocco-Italy : Luigi Di Maio Expresses his Country's Appreciation of Morocco's Role in Resolving Libyan Crisis

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Maroc-Italie : Luigi Di Maio exprime l’appréciation de Rome à l’égard du rôle joué par le Maroc pour la résolution de la crise libyenne
Rabat, (MOFA) - Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mr. Luigi Di Maio, expressed his country's "appreciation" for the contribution and role played by the Kingdom of Morocco for the resolution of the Libyan crisis during a telephone conversation on Saturday, August 1st, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita.

The talks also focused on the constant evolution of the cooperation between the two countries, which is expected to reach the level of strategic partnership after the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Italy, signed a partnership agreement in November 2019.

Other matters regarding multilateral issues of common interest were also discussed during this phone call.

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