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Morocco-Mauritania: Mr. Nasser Bourita received by the Mauritianian President, H.E Mr. Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani
Nouakchott, (MoFA) - The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, was received, Wednesday in Nouakchott by the Mauritanian President, H.E Mr. Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani.

At the end of the talks, Mr. Nasser Bourita told the press that he “ was honored to be received by H.E the President Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani”, stressing that this meeting was an opportunity “to convey to His Excellency the greetings and the high consideration of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, as well as the strong will of the King to further consolidate relations between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania”
The Minister, who arrived to Nouakchott on Tuesday evening as part of a visit, under the sign of the consolidation of a historic bilateral relationship, has recalled that the two neighboring countries and nations take advantage of strong ties of solid brotherhood, backed by a partnership in the economic and trade fields, among others, as well as mutual respect and a common vision on multiple issues.”
This year, continued Mr. Nasser Bourita, the two countries are celebrating the 50th  anniversary of the Brotherhood, Good Neighborliness and CooperationTreaty between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, noting that it is imperative today to take advantage of the current positive conjuncture to reactivate the spirit of this treaty and to harness the available potential in order to elevate this bilateral relationship even higher to reach the level of a strong strategic partnership.”
“His Majesty the King, underlined the Minister, wishes that the Moroccan-Mauritanian relations should not remain only ordinary but become exceptional, given the historical, human, and geographical traits that distinguish them, besides the shared destiny, all of which motivate us to face challenges together”.
To achieve this, he added, “we have the appropriate mechanisms and legal framework to draw upon the current very positive situation in order to reactivate, in an optimal way, the agreements and said mechanisms in order to elevate Moroccan-Mauritanian relations to the level of a real win-win partnership whose benefits would be felt by all the actors among the two brotherly nations and at all levels ”.
It’s in this perspective, said Mr. Nasser Bourita, that the meeting with HE Mr. Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani was an opportunity to listen to his analysis of the situation in the region, as well as his vision concerning the future of bilateral relations, saying that he is optimistic that “the coming days will bring a very positive dynamic to the bilateral relations”.
The meeting took place in the presence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, the Director of the President’s Cabinet, Mr. Mohamed Lamine Ahmed Mohamed and the Kingdom’s Ambassador in Nouakchott, Mr. Hamid Chabbar.

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