Morocco Notes with Immense Optimism, Great Satisfaction Positive Developments underway to Overcome Disagreements between Brothers at GCC

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المغرب يسجل بتفاؤل وارتياح كبيرين التطورات الإيجابية الجارية من أجل تجاوز الخلاف بين الإخوة في مجلس التعاون الخليجي
Rabat - Morocco notes with immense optimism and great satisfaction the positive developments underway to overcome disagreements between brothers within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

Given the bonds of solid fraternity and sincere cordiality between His Majesty King Mohammed VI, May God Assist Him, and his brother Kings and Emirs of the countries of the Arabian Gulf, the Kingdom of Morocco expresses its wish that a final agreement will be achieved to end disagreements, so that the brotherly GCC countries will regain cohesion and harmony and strengthen stability in the region as well as Arab unity.

Based on its strong long-standing relations with all the countries of the Arabian Gulf, the Kingdom of Morocco commends efforts made by the brotherly State of Kuwait to reconcile visions and allow reconciliation within the Gulf family, the Kingdom also welcomes the positive role of the United States in this regard.

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