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Morocco Reiterates Support for Solution Respecting Aspirations of Venezuelan People
Morocco has, since the beginning, expressed its position in favor of a solution that respects the aspirations of the Venezuelan people, said, on Friday in Rabat, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad Nasser Bourita.

Morocco supported the elections of the President of the Venezuelan Parliament which brought Juan Guaidó a first time then a second time, despite all the maneuvers that were launched to prevent this election, Bourita said during a press briefing after his talks with Canadian Foreign Minister François-Philippe Champagne, recalling that the Kingdom denounces all actions that have been taken to hinder the elections process.

The Kingdom congratulates Guaidó on his re-election and continues to work for a peaceful solution that respects the legitimate aspirations of the Venezuelan people and the choices of its representatives to elect Guaidó and to entrust him, in accordance with the constitution, with the role of interim president, said the minister, noting that Morocco is in regular contact with Guaidó and his team.

Bourita announced that he will contact Guaidó this weekend to reiterate this position.

"We have very strong ties with the Lima group where Canada plays an important role," he said, recalling that the Kingdom participated along with the Lima group in the conference held last summer on the Venezuelan crisis.

Morocco will continue its action alongside this group and the international community to find a solution to this crisis, Bourita continued, noting that the two countries have shared positions on this issue.

"The political consultation mechanism that will be set up with Canada will allow us to exchange our assessments on a regular basis, create complementarity between the actions of our two countries, further coordinate and launch joint initiatives on an issue where the two countries share the same values," he said.

The Canadian official noted that his country, which had supported Guaidó from the start, plays with Peru a key role within the Lima group to find a solution to this issue.

The Canadian minister described the latest maneuvers by the Maduro regime as "worrying" as it wanted to prevent some deputies from voting.

"As a liberal democracy, Canada strongly believes in democratic values, respect for the constitution and the will of the Venezuelan people," said Champagne, noting that his country will continue to work with Guaidó, as well as with partners like Morocco to bring stability and security to this key region of the South American hemisphere.

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