Morocco- Senegal: Key points of the Joint Communiqué

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The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, and the Minister of African Integration and Foreign Affairs, Ms. Yassine Fall, proceeded, on May 27, 2024 in Rabat, to the signing of a joint communiqué between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Senegal.

In this Joint Communiqué,the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Senegal welcomed the singular strategic relations uniting them and the depth of the unique long-standing ties between the Moroccan and Senegalese peoples.

The two ministers also reaffirmed their shared determination to make the Moroccan-Senegalese strategic partnership an outstanding model of inter-African cooperation, based on the values of solidarity, exchange, trust and sharing.

In this respect, the Senegalese FM highly praised the major progress made in this strategic partnership between the two countries, illustrated in particular by frequent visits to Dakar by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, and the launch of several projects in various sectors, including infrastructure, fisheries, housing, health, agriculture and human development.

During their meeting, the two ministers also reaffirmed that Morocco and Senegal, whose African values of integration and complementarity occupy a key place in their strategic orientations, will continue to align their actions with the continent's development objectives, and to work towards achieving them in the service of young people and in response to social expectations.

They also stressed the key role of the Moroccan and Senegalese private sectors in promoting the development of bilateral relations and encouraging new investments in the two sister countries as part of a “win-win” economic partnership.

Addressing regional and international issues of common interest, the two ministers noted with satisfaction their convergence of views on the various questions raised.

Mr. Nasser Bourita and Ms. Fall also reiterated their determination to participate in efforts to settle disputes in Africa, and praised the constant efforts made by Morocco, under the wise and enlightened leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, and by Senegal, under the new impetus of the President, His Excellency Mr. Bassirou Diomaye Diakhar Faye, to promote peace and development on the African continent.

The two ministers agreed to continue to support, in a concerted and mutual manner, the Moroccan and Senegalese bids at the level of regional and international bodies.

Senegal's Minister of African Integration and Foreign Affairs, Ms. Yassine Fall, expressed her admiration for the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI paying tribute to the Sovereign's African vision of peace, stability and socio-economic development.

The Senegalese Minister also commended the momentum generated by the Atlantic African States Process to make the Atlantic African area a geostrategic framework for pragmatic and timely intra-African cooperation and consultation.

Ms. Fall also praised the tireless efforts of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, to preserve the security and cultural and spiritual integrity of the Continent, based on the promotion of a moderate, open and tolerant Islam.

During the talks, Mr. Nasser Bourita and Ms. Fall welcomed the Morocco-Senegal-Nigeria tripartite cooperation meeting held last January in Rabat to discuss progress on the Nigeria-Morocco West African gas pipeline megaproject and ways of strengthening coordination and cooperation on this project, a symbol of South-South cooperation.

The Republic of Senegal is actively involved in the Nigeria-Morocco African-Atlantic gas pipeline project, which, once completed, will help to improve living conditions for the population and strengthen regional economic integration.

The Republic of Senegal reaffirmed its “constant and firm” support for Morocco's territorial integrity and sovereignty over its entire territory, including the Moroccan Sahara.

Senegal's FM reaffirmed her country’s full support for the autonomy plan presented by the Kingdom of Morocco, which constitutes the only credible and realistic solution for resolving the regional dispute over the Moroccan Sahara.

In this respect, she praised the efforts of the United Nations as the exclusive framework for achieving a realistic, practical and lasting solution to the dispute over the Moroccan Sahara.

The Republic of Senegal had opened a consulate general in Dakhla on April 5, 2021, marking its firm commitment to strengthening bilateral relations with the Kingdom of Morocco.

The opening of this diplomatic representation is further proof of the unfailing alliance between Morocco and Senegal, and of their active solidarity, which has never wavered.

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