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Morocco, Serbia Set to Place Bilateral Relations on the Path of Strategic Partnership
Morocco and Serbia on Wednesday agreed to strengthen their excellent ties at all levels and to place bilateral relations on the path of a strategic partnership, in the spirit of friendship and mutual trust.

It is within this framework that the two countries signed, during a meeting between the Moroccan minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, and his Serbian counterpart, Mr. Nicola Selakovic, three partnership agreements in various fields, which will allow the exchange of know-how and experience and the strengthening of bilateral relations.

Inked by Mr. Bourita and his Serbian counterpart, these agreements are part of the positive dynamic of cooperation garnered in recent years between Morocco and Serbia on the political, economic and cultural levels.

These agreements include a Memorandum of Understanding on political consultations, a Cooperation Program in the fields of Culture, Higher Education, Scientific Research, Communication, Media, Youth and Sports (2021-2024) and a Defense Cooperation Agreement, which will enable the exchange of know-how, experience and enhancing of bilateral relations.

On this occasion, the two ministers welcomed the virtuous dynamic characterizing the bilateral relations at the political, economic, cultural and university levels and the outstanding coordination within international organizations.

The Serbian minister welcomed the central place of Morocco under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, as a pole of stability and growth in the region.

The two officials highlighted the significant qualitative leap in Morocco-Serbia trade relations despite the pandemic and agreed to further strengthen them, given the enormous potentialities of the two countries.  

In this regard, they announced the holding of the third session of the joint commission for commercial, economic and scientific cooperation, in Belgrade, on June 23-24, 2021, if the health situation allows it.

A preparatory meeting for the above mentioned session took place between the two designated co-Presidents: the Moroccan Minister of Tourism, Handicrafts, Air Transport and Social Economy, Mrs. Nadia Fettah, and the Serbian Minister of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications, Mrs. Tatjana Matic, on March 31, 2021 by videoconference.

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