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Morocco, Spain Affirm Attachment to Principle of Dialogue to Resolve Any Overlap in Maritime Domains
Morocco and Spain affirmed, Friday in Rabat, their attachment to the principle of dialogue to resolve any overlap in their respective maritime domains.

During a joint press briefing, held following a meeting in Rabat between Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad Nasser Bourita and his Spanish counterpart Arancha González Laya, the two officials underlined the attachment of their countries to the law of the sea and their rejection of any unilateral measure.

In this context, Bourita stressed that Morocco commits itself to respect the principle of dialogue on the basis of which the two parties will work to find mechanisms capable of resolving any overlapping in their maritime domains, noting that the law of the sea advocates, in these cases, negotiations "which constitute the adequate means in relations between two neighboring countries".

The Minister noted that the establishment of the Kingdom's legal jurisdiction over its entire maritime domain is a right of sovereignty guaranteed by international law, recalling that Spain "had taken the same measures in 2010, including for the Canary Islands region, without asking Morocco's permission, just as the Kingdom did not ask for permission. And this is their right."

Bourita said Morocco "rejects the fact that others impose their will on it, and refrains from imposing his on others".

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