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M. Nasser Bourita
Rabat, (MoFA) - Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, and Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, Arancha Gonzalez Laya, agreed, Thursday during talks via videoconference, to work together for the effective implementation of the comprehensive strategic partnership concluded on the occasion of the successful visit of His Majesty King Felipe VI to Morocco, at the invitation of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, May God Assists Him.

Tackling the excellent relations between the Royal Houses of the two countries and the regularity of exchanges between the two Sovereigns, the two FMs stressed the exemplary impact of this relationship on bilateral relations.

The regularity of these exchanges was confirmed by the telephone conversation held between His Majesty King Mohammed VI and His Majesty King Felipe VI last April, in the context of the health crisis triggered by Covid-19, thus giving impetus to cooperation at this particular time between the two neighboring countries, they added.

This meeting, which is part of the tradition of consultations between Moroccan and Spanish officials, was an opportunity to discuss bilateral issues as well as the management of Covid-19 and Post-Covid eras.

Emphasis was also placed on future deadlines, including the visits of Moroccan officials to Spain and of Spanish officials to the Kingdom, in addition to the high-level meeting scheduled to take place in Morocco next December.

On the economic side, the focus was on boosting economic and commercial exchanges between the two countries by promoting better synergy between economic stakeholders on both sides, enabling them to promote investment projects in promising sectors, particularly in the post-Covid context.

The two officials also discussed the means to give substantial impetus to the new phase of the Morocco-European Union relationship.

The Euro-Mediterranean relationship was also at the core of the talks, in light of the organization by Spain of the 25th anniversary of the Barcelona Process on November 26-27.

In this regard, the two parties exchanged views on the means to give a renewed orientation to the relationship between the two shores of the Mediterranean.

Regional issues were also on the agenda of the talks in addition to the situation in Africa and particularly in the Sahel. The two Ministers also discussed the success of the Libyan Dialogue held in Bouznika and its effect on a comprehensive political solution to the crisis in Libya.

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