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Maroc-Espagne : Précisions du Maroc en réaction à la multiplication des déclarations des responsables espagnols tentant de justifier un acte grave et contraire à l’esprit de partenariat et de bon voisinage
Since Spain has harbored the leader of the polisario militias, who is accused of war crimes and serious human rights violations, Spanish officials have made multiple statements in an attempt to justify this serious act contrary to the spirit of partnership and good neighborliness.

In response, the Kingdom of Morocco wishes to clarify the following:

1. The decision of the Spanish authorities not to notify their Moroccan counterparts of the arrival of the leader of the   polisario militias is not a simple omission. It is a premeditated act, a voluntary choice and a sovereign decision by Spain, of which Morocco takes full note and will draw all the consequences.

2. The invocation of humanitarian considerations cannot justify this negative attitude. Indeed:

- The humanitarian considerations do not justify maneuvering behind the back of a partner and a neighbor.

- They cannot be a panacea that is given selectively to the leader of the polisario militias, at a time when thousands of people live in inhumane conditions in the Tindouf camps".

- Nor can humanitarian considerations explain the inaction of the Spanish justice system, when it is duly seized of documented complaints. Law enforcement and the preservation of victims' rights cannot be a case of double standards.

- Moreover, they do not explain that one is complicit in identity theft and falsification of passports, intended to voluntarily circumvent the law.

- Finally, humanitarian considerations cannot negate the legitimate claims of victims of rape, torture and massive human rights violations committed by the leader of the   polisario militias.

3. The attitude of some government officials, prejudging the Moroccan reaction and minimizing the impact, however serious on the relation, could not obscure this deplorable situation.

4. Preserving the bilateral partnership is a shared responsibility, which is nourished by a permanent commitment to maintaining mutual trust, upholding fruitful cooperation and safeguarding the strategic interests of both countries.


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