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Rabat et Londres se félicitent de l'application provisoire, dès janvier, de l'Accord d'Association signé en 2019 (Déclaration conjointe)
The Governments of the Kingdom of Morocco and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland welcomed the provisional application, as of January 1, 2021, of the Association Agreement between Morocco and the United Kingdom, signed in London on October 26, 2019.

To this effect, the two countries exchanged verbal notes on Thursday in Rabat, according to a joint Morocco-UK Declaration.

The agreement restores, in the context of bilateral relations, all the effects that the two countries agreed on, mutually, within the framework of the Morocco-EU Association Agreement. It thus ensures the continuity of trade between Morocco and the United Kingdom after December 31, 2020, it added.

The Agreement will provide "a guarantee to Moroccan and British companies undertaking economic and commercial relations in all sectors of cooperation," the Declaration said.

Investment relations will continue to take place within the framework of the Agreement between the governments of the two countries for the reciprocal promotion and protection of investments.

The new Association Agreement will constitute a fundamental pillar in the consolidation and strengthening of the relations between the two countries, in terms of trade and investment.

Both countries confirm, on this occasion, their commitment to continue strengthening their relations and developing their cooperation, with a view to establishing a comprehensive Strategic Partnership, the Declaration concluded.

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