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Visio Bourita-Pompeo
Rabat, (MOFA) - Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad Mr. Nasser Bourita, and the American Secretary of State Mike Mr. Pompeo, co-chaired, Tuesday via videoconference, the signing ceremony of a bilateral agreement on enhanced privileges and immunities extended to the counselor corps.

Initialled by the US ambassador in Rabat, David Fischer, and Anas Khales, Ambassador, Director of Protocol at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans abroad, the agreement aims to ensure the efficient functioning of the diplomatic representations of the two parties.

The provisions of this agreement thus provide that each party grants consular officials of the other party, as well as their families, the privileges and immunities provided for in Articles 29 to 36 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

In a meeting via videoconference, held shortly before the signing of this agreement, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad, Mr. Nasser Bourita, and the US Secretary of State, Mr. Mike Pompeo, commended the longstanding and lasting strategic partnership between the Kingdom of Morocco and the United States of America.

On this occasion, Mr. Pompeo thanked Morocco for the efforts made in terms of public health for the benefit of the African continent, which efforts are of crucial importance in view of the COVID-19 pandemic. The US top-diplomat also praised the bold and far-reaching reform program implemented under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, May God Assist Him, since his accession to the throne.

This meeting was also an opportunity for Mr. Pompeo to express his interest in Moroccan positions regarding the Libyan crisis, and to commend Morocco's efforts in the common fight against terrorism. The signing of this agreement is in line with the long tradition of longstanding ties binding Morocco and the United States, marked by a common vision of peace, tolerance and living together, and the fight against all forms of extremism and terrorism.

It strengthens bilateral relations between Rabat and Washington and consolidates the will of the two countries to work together to address the various challenges of the 21st century, and to promote the security, stability and prosperity of the two peoples.

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