Morocco welcomes Peru's decision to withdraw its recognition of the so-called ''SADR'' and to support the Kingdom's territorial integrity and its autonomy initiative

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The Kingdom of Morocco welcomes the decision of the Republic of Peru to withdraw its recognition of the so-called "SADR" - taken a year ago- and to support the Kingdom's territorial integrity and its autonomy initiative.

This decision follows the phone conversation that the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, had with the Minister of Foreign Relations of the Republic of Peru, Mr. Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Mackay.

The Kingdom of Morocco appreciates and welcomes this decision of the Republic of Peru, which opens a new page in relations with this friendly country. It will allow to deepen political dialogue and strengthen sectoral cooperation, especially in the areas of agriculture and fertilizers. In this context, concrete actions will be carried out very quickly.

Thanks to the actions carried out in recent years, on the Highest Instructions of HM King Mohammed VI, many countries have withdrawn their recognition of the puppet entity. Thus, of the 193 member countries of the United Nations, 84% do not recognize the so-called "SADR"; that is two-thirds of African countries, 68% of Latin American and Caribbean countries, 96% of Asian countries and 100% of European and North American countries.

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