Morocco wins double award at AU Summit

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Morocco wins double award at AU Summit
Morocco was awarded two prizes at African Union (AU) summit on Monday in Addis Ababa, recognizing the Kingdom’s efforts to fight climate change and transform agriculture in Africa.

These are the Best Performance Award for Climate Change and the Best Performance Award of the Year 2020 for the implementation of the 2014 Malabo Declaration on Transforming African Agriculture.

These prizes, awarded to the Kingdom on the occasion of the 33rd AU held in the Ethiopian capital, constitute another recognition of the efforts made by Morocco in favor of the development of the continent.

Climate change represents a major challenge for Africa, the continent most exposed to the effects of these changes with its share of cyclones, floods and prolonged cycles of drought.

The steps taken by Morocco, thanks to a visionary strategy for the development of renewable energies, position the Kingdom at the forefront of the fight against climate change in Africa.

The expertise of the Kingdom is today sought everywhere on the continent, from the Sahel region to the island States, regions which already benefit from the know-how developed by Morocco in this area intrinsically linked to the future of Africa.

In the agricultural field, the Green Morocco Plan was cited at the summit as a model from which many brother African countries wish to draw inspiration in the context of their efforts to meet the expectations of their populations in terms of sustainable development.

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