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The Advisor to His Majesty the King Mohammed VI, Mr. André Azoulay, represented HM at the inaugural session of the 6th edition of the Paris Peace Forum, which takes place on November 10-11 under the theme: "Seeking Common Ground in a World of Rivalry".

The Forum brings together heads of state and government, leaders of international organizations and civil society actors (including non-governmental organizations, private companies, trade unions, think tanks, experts, journalists and the media) from the South and North to improve global governance.

Discussions will focus on finding common ground on the governance of global commons and global public goods in areas such as climate change, outer space and critical minerals.

Facilitating dialogue, creating action-oriented coalitions and defining norms or pre-norms is the Paris Peace Forum's specific contribution to the urgent challenges of our time.

The Forum draws on its community of members and partners, as well as its privileged access to expertise and diplomatic networks, to launch and accelerate multi-stakeholder initiatives responding to global challenges.

The platform's priorities for action in 2023 are protecting the planet and people, reducing inequality, accelerating the achievement of the SDGs, building peace and a safer world, and consolidating trust and security in the digital world.


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