Mr. Blinken: Morocco, a strong U.S. Partner in the world

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M. Antony Blinken : Le Maroc, un partenaire fort des Etats-Unis à l'échelle mondiale
Morocco is a strong partner of the United States in the world, said on March 29, 2022 in Rabat, the U.S. Secretary of State, Mr. Antony Blinken.

Speaking during a joint press conference with Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, following their talks, Secretary Blinken highly praised this partnership, of which the two sides are "examining today the means of reinforcement, not only bilaterally but also to include other regions of the world, in particular the African continent".

The United States views this partnership as strategic given the strong relationship between the two countries, he pointed out.

He also said that both sides are closely working together in several areas including security, the fight against climate change and the new coronavirus pandemic for the benefit of the two countries and their peoples.

In this regard, Washington recognizes the important role Morocco plays in maintaining regional security and stability and contributing to the achievement of peace and prosperity in the region, Blinken said, noting that the two sides "cooperate closely in dealing with regional issues such as the Sahel, Libya and the fight against terrorism”.

Morocco has "demonstrated increased leadership within the Global Counterterrorism Forum and the Global Coalition against Daesh", he underlined.

In terms of cooperation in the fight against climate change, the U.S. Secretary of State said that the multiplication of drought waves in Morocco, the United States and throughout the world makes it necessary to join efforts to in the face of climate change.

He noted that Morocco is considered a pioneer on a global scale in this area, the Kingdom having set itself the ambitious objective of increasing the share of renewable energies in its energy mix to 63% by 2035.

Morocco is on track to meet and even exceed this target, Blinken said, noting that 45% of Morocco's electricity production comes from renewable energy sources.

On the other hand, he said that Morocco and the United States are working together to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, welcoming the efforts made by the Kingdom in this area under the leadership of HM King Mohammed VI.

Mr. Blinken stressed that the United States greatly values   Morocco's contribution to efforts aimed at fighting against this pandemic in other countries.

The U.S. Secretary of State underlined his country's commitment to work jointly with Morocco to achieve tangible progress in priority areas, such as the promotion of freedom of expression, the creation of associations, reform of the criminal justice system, women's rights and gender equality.

We support His Majesty Mohammed VI ambitious reform agenda to strengthen Morocco's institutions and ensure that the government is responsive to the Moroccan people. The United States is committed to working with Morocco to make concrete progress in key areas.

In this regard, MFA Blinken reiterated his country's support for the ambitious reform agenda to strengthen Morocco's institutions and ensure that the government is responsive to the Moroccan people. The United States is committed to working with Morocco to make concrete progress in key areas.

Regarding the Moroccan Sahara, M. Blinken stressed that the United States considers the Moroccan autonomy plan as a serious, credible and realistic solution.

He also expressed his country's support to the UN Secretary-General's Personal Envoy, Staffan de Mistura, in the conduct of the political process on the Sahara issue, under the auspices of the United Nations.

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