Mr. Bourita Reaffirms Morocco's Commitment to Supporting CAR's Stability, Development

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M. Bourita réaffirme l'engagement du Maroc à accompagner la RCA pour la stabilité et le développement
Rabat, (MoFA) - Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Exapatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, reaffirmed Thursday in Rabat Morocco's commitment to accompany the Central African Republic (CAR) for its stability and future development.

Morocco currently deploys 762 peacekeepers within the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) and presides at the United Nations level the CAR configuration since 2014, Mr. Bourita told the press following his talks with his Central African counterpart, Sylvie Baïpo-Temon, and the signing ceremony of three cooperation agreements.

"Morocco pays a vibrant tribute to the CAR President who was able, thanks to his determination and courage, to reach an agreement with the armed groups, while ensuring the success of the upcoming elections that will be historic for the future of this country," Mr. Bourita said.

Morocco's action is an action of solidarity with the Central African people within the framework of technical cooperation and academic training, he said, stressing that the Kingdom has always been on the side of the Central African people.

On the academic and health cooperation between the two countries, Mr. Bourita stated that "130 scholarships are awarded each year for the training of Central Africans in Morocco and actions are carried out at the local level, particularly for the rehabilitation of the Bangui hospital by the Kingdom."

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