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A cette occasion, M. Jazouli a souligné que pour atteindre l’objectif fixé par Sa Majesté Le Roi Mohammed VI, Que Dieu L’assiste, à savoir « l’Afrique doit faire confiance à l’Afrique », les nombreux talents dont regorge notre continent doivent être le ciment de cette confiance. Le Ministre Délégué a rappelé quelques chiffres puisque « les indicateurs nous montrent clairement que la jeunesse africaine représente la principale ressource pour les prochaines décennies : à l’horizon 2050, 60% des Africains auro
Rabat, (MoFA)- Mr. Mohcine Jazouli, Minister Delegate to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, made an opening speech at the conference organized by the Attijariwafa bank Group on the 26th October 2020 by videoconference under the theme: "The Development of African Talents, a Major Challenge for the Transformation of the Continent".

On this occasion, Mr. Jazouli underlined that in order to achieve the objective set by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, May God Assist Him, namely, "Africa must trust Africa", the many talents, which abounds in our continent must be the cement of this confidence.

The Minister Delegate recalled some figures because “the indicators have clearly shown us that African youth represent the main resource for the coming decades: by 2050, 60% of Africans will be under 24 and 1 in 3 young people in the world will be African”.

Also, he added that Africa is strong in its youth and "for this demographic dividend to become its main engine of growth, it is our duty to guarantee our youth the conditions for their employability". Moreover, "the African Union (AU) has proposed to declare the period 2018-2027 as the decade of training and employment of young people in technical, professional and entrepreneurial fields in Africa. "

He noted that “these talents, we will have to learn to uncover them, to train them and also to protect them because the growth of tomorrow will need their creative know-how. This growth will employ a lot of skills, and we risk facing a talent shortage or even a talent war”.

Moreover, Mr. Jazouli made a connection with the current context arguing that "the challenges that have arisen with the COVID-19 pandemic must be an opportunity for reflection. We need to invent a new normal and make a transition to the professions of tomorrow by visualizing ourselves on digital tools”.

And to conclude, that "knowing how to sublimate African talents is first and foremost to believe in the future of Africa".

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