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The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, co-chaired, on September 21st, 2022 in New York, with his Danish counterpart, Mr. Jeppe Kofod, the official launch of the initiative "Pledge to Predictable Payments".

Speaking at a meeting held Wednesday on this occasion, Bourita stressed that this initiative embodies the spirit of pragmatic, action-oriented multilateralism required to redress the current global multidimensional crisis.

"In line with its long-standing commitment to multilateralism and the role of the UN, under the High Vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Morocco has been among the first Member States to join this initiative," the minister recalled.

Multilateralism is undergoing its most important crisis since the creation of the UN, as ideological divisions and a narrow focus on national interests are undermining the very spirit upon which our Organization was founded seven decades ago, added Bourita.

From the perspective of Morocco, building back trust in multilateralism and the United Nations requires a focus on practical steps to strengthen multilateral institutions, to make their work not only more efficient, but also more responsive to the needs of the world’s populations, he stressed, noting that “multilateralism is not a luxury, but a necessity”.

"Solid, predictable financial resources are the basic conditions for building the action-oriented multilateralism we aspire to," the minister stressed.

Predictable payments of contributions to the regular budget of the UN are a sine qua none condition for the proper functioning of the various agencies of the UN, in light of the extraordinary demands imposed on the resources of our Organization by the interlocked challenges of climate change, food security, energy security, and poverty alleviation, Bourita added.

"These challenges question our collective ability to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030," he underlined.

The minister, while welcoming the improvement of the financial situation for the 2022 fiscal year, thanks to the appeal launched by the Secretary-General, stressed that "yet more is to be made to redress the severe financial crisis the UN is facing."

"Indeed, Morocco deems it unacceptable that UN’s action be dictated by the availability of liquidity rather than planning and political priorities identified by its Member States in light of the current challenges," said Bourita.

Morocco, whose commitment to multilateralism and the centrality of the UN been unfaltering since its independence, remains committed to paying its contribution to the UN regular budget within 30 days of the beginning of the year, he added.

According to Bourita, the Kingdom also provides "support to various agencies of the United Nations through voluntary contributions, which have reached 1.4 million dollars in 2022, in addition to its contribution to the regular budget of the Organization."

Member States are encouraged to pay their contributions in full and on time in order to provide the United Nations with the necessary resources to effectively carry out its mandates, which have become all the more crucial in light of the current multidimensional crisis, the minister concluded.

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