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M. Nasser Bourita : Le Maroc rejette catégoriquement toute mesure unilatérale des autorités israéliennes dans les territoires palestiniens occupés
Jeddah, (MOFA) - The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad Mr. Nasser Bourita, reiterated the Kingdom's categorical rejection of all unilateral measures and procedures that could be taken by the Israeli authorities in the occupied Palestinian territories, whether in the West Bank or in Eastern Al-Quds.

In a speech, on Wednesday, to the participants in the emergency ministerial meeting of the Executive Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Mr. Bourita said that these measures would constitute a flagrant violation to the resolutions of legality and international law, a fact that would undermine the principle of the internationally agreed upon two-State solution, and damage all efforts to achieve the just and comprehensive peace to which the international community aspires.  

During this meeting devoted to the situation in Palestine, the Minister noted that the Kingdom, under the insightful leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, May God Assist Him, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, will remain an essential support for the just cause of the Palestinian people and their legitimate rights, so as to achieve their aspirations for a free and dignified life.  

He also expressed the "great concern" of the Kingdom regarding the dangerous repercussions of the implementation of these measures on the security and stability of the region, as well as the tensions and escalation which would ensue and which would only benefit extremist forces that reject peace.

Mr. Bourita reiterated the Kingdom's full attachment to peace as a strategic choice for the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, adding that Morocco is fully convinced that the approach of negotiation between the Palestinian and Israeli parties remains the only effective way to reach an equitable and lasting solution to this conflict, guaranteeing the Palestinian people their legitimate rights for an independent state offering living conditions and sovereignty with eastern Al Quds as its capital.  

The Minister also reiterated the urgent call of the Kingdom to intensify efforts in concert with the active international parties and the peace-loving forces in the world, in order to preserve the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, to counter Israeli practices that run against international legitimacy and to work to revive a dynamic in favor of peace, guaranteeing security, stability and harmony to all the peoples of the region.

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