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M. Nasser Bourita : Le Maroc réitère son attachement inébranlable à l'esprit du TNP
Vienna, (MOFA) - Morocco reiterates its commitment and unwavering attachment to the spirit of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and to the centrality of the IAEA's role in the implementation of its provisions, said Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita.

"Morocco stresses the imperative to strengthen and intensify efforts to review the composition of the Board of Governors, as a fundamental prelude to strengthening the governance of the Agency," Mr. Bourita said in a video-conference address at the opening, Monday in Vienna, of the 64th IAEA General Conference under the chairmanship of Morocco.

The Minister stressed the importance of revising certain provisions dating back 21 years old, regretting that this reform has gained the support of barely 62 out of 110 member States.

In other words, Morocco considers this step as a fundamental action towards strengthening governance, as stipulated by the Agency's legal provisions, he said.

He noted that Morocco will remain open to all contributions from member States and will spare no effort during its mandate to mobilize the necessary support to strengthen the African presence in the Board of Governors, one of the fundamental bodies of the IAEA.

This 64th session of the IAEA General Conference is being held at a critical juncture and in a particular global context marked by the struggle of the international community, for more than nine months, against the unprecedented challenges generated by the difficult and multifaceted repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic, on the health, economic and social levels, he noted.

Faced with this situation, he noted, "we can only note, with objectivity and responsibility, our limits and the modesty of our collective capacity to meet the demands of this exceptional situation, and what it requires in terms of effective cooperation and practical coordination at the international level, with a spirit imbued with innovation to limit the spread of the pandemic and solidarity to alleviate its consequences".

This situation calls for a rethinking of plans and priorities, thinking about the most efficient ways to anticipate crisis management and strengthen mutual aid to deal with it, he said.

The Minister praised on behalf of the Kingdom of Morocco the commitment of the IAEA, under the leadership of its DG, to support the efforts of member States in the fight against the pandemic, particularly through the provision of the most modern equipment for the rapid detection of coronavirus and the organization of virtual training sessions to strengthen national capacities.

Expressing Morocco's consideration for the urgent assistance provided by the IAEA to 150 member States, including 45 African countries, he noted that the principles of solidarity and South-South cooperation, far from being hollow slogans, are for Morocco fundamental axes that frame its foreign policy, whose milestones were laid by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, May God Assist Him.

To translate these principles into reality, he added, His Majesty the King, May God Assist Him, announced last April an innovative and unprecedented initiative aimed at putting in place a work plan at the level of African heads of State to support the different phases of the management of the health crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

It is in this sense that Morocco, on high royal instructions, sent medical aid to about twenty African countries from all regions of the Continent, to contribute to the efforts made in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, he stressed.

Mr. Nasser Bourita concluded that Morocco aims to hold, after the pandemic, a meeting of some African countries and the IAEA, in order to make an overall assessment of experiences related to the management of the pandemic in all its phases and to draw lessons and exchange best practices.


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