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M. Nasser Bourita réaffirme le soutien du Royaume du Maroc à l'UpM
Rabat, (MOFA) - The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad, Mr. Nasser Bourita met today with the Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean, Mr. Nasser Kamel.

Mr. Bourita reaffirmed the Kingdom's support for the UfM, recalling that Morocco takes part in all of the Union's activities and hosts nearly half of the programs bearing its label, in addition to the Euro-Mediterranean University.
He also said that this meeting was an opportunity to discuss the development prospects of the UfM in the context triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly as the need for a framework coordination for Mediterranean countries has increased.
"We will soon be celebrating 25 years of the Barcelona process which will be an opportunity to focus on the new perspectives of the UfM and which can be a new start for the organization by taking advantage of post-Covid-19 opportunities," the Minister added.
 The 5 + 5 dialogue, which will be held in Tunisia at the end of October, will be an "important" meeting for the countries of the two shores to coordinate their positions and define their priorities, in particular on the eve of the launch of new ideas regarding the neighborhood policy of the European Union, he underlined.

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