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The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, represents HM King Mohammed VI at the 19 th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and the 3 rd Summit of the G77+China, held in Kampala, Uganda, on January 19-20 and from January 21-23, respectively.

These two summits, occurring in a tumultuous global geopolitical context, will have the following respective themes: "Deepening Cooperation for Shared Global Affluence" and "Leaving No One Behind."

In accordance with the High Vision of HM King Mohammed VI, Morocco, as a founding member of these two groups, has always considered these forums as priority axes for genuine collective action in building a world where democratic values prevail, and where security, justice, solidarity, and peaceful resolution of disputes are paramount.

Uganda will assume the presidency of NAM for a duration of three years starting in 2024.

Comprising 120 countries, the Non-Aligned Movement is considered the second-largest gathering of states after the United Nations.

The Group of 77 (G77) is a coalition of countries aimed at advocating the economic interests of its members in international economic negotiations.

The Moroccan delegation led by Bourita includes the Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Morocco to the UN, Omar Hilale; the Ambassador of His Majesty the King to Dar Es-Salam, Zakaria Goumiri; the Ambassador, Director-General of the Moroccan Agency for International Cooperation, Mohamed Metqal; and the Director of the United Nations and International Organizations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccan Expatriates, Redouane Houssaini.

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