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M. Nasser Bourita : Il y a une convergence de points de vue entre le Maroc et l'Arabie Saoudite concernant la résolution de la crise libyenne
Rabat, (MOFA) - There is a convergence of views between Morocco and Saudi Arabia concerning the resolution of the Libyan crisis, notably the refusal of foreign interventions and military solutions and the need to find a political solution, said, on Wednesday in Rabat, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad, Mr. Nasser Bourita.

"We have discussed at length the situation in Libya and there is a convergence of points of view on the following points : no to foreign intervention in the Arab world, no to military solutions, yes to a political solution that preserves Libya's unity, sovereignty and security," said Mr. Bourita at a press conference following his talks with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah Al Saud, who is on working visit to the Kingdom.

 Libya needs an Arab role since it is an element of stability in the region of North Africa and the Arab world in general, insisted Mr. Bourita, stressing that "as Arab countries, we have unified positions and the solution in Libya must be political and not military. 

Foreign intervention in Libya complicates the situation and is part of the problem and not the solution, he went on, noting in this regard that foreign intervention in Arab countries is not a positive thing in Libya and elsewhere. 

The solutions must come from the Libyan parties who are able to find compromises on the basis of their initiatives, ideas and references, with the help of all parties, he added.

"Morocco has no initiative to resolve the Libyan crisis nor does it claim to have a solution, because it must come from the Libyans", Mr.Bourita insisted, adding that "the Kingdom has been and is still ready to cooperate with all Libyans, with the ambition and the will to help them reach a solution, without presenting them with a ready recipe, but by offering them a constructive and positive space to find a solution (...). This is Morocco's permanent position". 

After describing the situation in Libya as dangerous, not only for the Libyans but for the entire North African region and its stability, as well as for the entire Arab Ummah, Mr.Bourita insisted on the importance of the Arab role in Libya, noting that the Kingdom has already proposed in a meeting of the Arab League to put in place an Arab strategy for the resolution of the crisis in this country. 

He concluded that Arabs must not be absent from the resolution of Arab affairs, whether in Syria, Libya or elsewhere.

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