Mr.Bourita Calls for Unified Approach to Address Common Challenges of Arab and EU Countries

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السيد بوريطة يدعو إلى إعداد مقاربة تضامنية لمواجهة التحديات المشتركة بين البلدان العربية و الاتحاد الأوروبي
Rabat - Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr.Nasser Bourita, on Monday called for the development of a multidimensional and unified approach to address the common challenges of Arab countries and the European Union (EU).

The fifth Arab League-EU Summit "reflects the common aspiration to raise dialogue and cooperation to high levels, on the basis of genuine partnership and realistic action plans that invoke the civilizational and human dimensions, in order to address the current challenges and lay the foundation for sustainable development, so as to serve the common interests of our peoples and their well-being," Mr. Bourita pointed out in a speech delivered by videoconference to this summit.

The minister stressed, in this regard, that the Royal vision is based on a set of foundations contained in the Sovereign's speech delivered at the first Arab League-EU Summit, held in February 2019 in Sharm Sheikh, in Egypt, in which His Majesty the King underlined the importance of undertaking an objective, cool-headed assessment of the achievements of Arab-European cooperation, reviewing its pillars, determining its strategic short and long-term priorities and developing work methods to deliver better results.

This wise royal vision takes into consideration the deep changes at the Arab and European scenes and which must be taken into account while updating the agenda of priorities and foundations of the strategic dialogue between Arab and EU countries, he noted.

Mr. Bourita stressed that the political changes experienced by several countries, in addition to the worrying global economic situation which has become more accentuated with the spread of Covid-19 and the resurgence of extremist tendencies, constitute as many challenges that cannot be ruled out in the quest for a comprehensive and multidimensional strategic partnership that brings together both the Arab and European parties.

The minister noted that this meeting takes place at a time when the Coronavirus pandemic is threatening economies, negatively affecting all the productive sectors and thus setting itself up as a new challenge that requires to step up efforts and strengthen cooperation in order to overcome this crisis, while mitigating its repercussions.

Data from international and regional financial institutions implicitly show the impact of this pandemic on global economic activity, said Mr. Bourita, adding that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts a 3% decline in global growth in 2020, 7.5% in the euro zone and 3.3% in the Middle East, while the volume of international trade is expected to fall by 11%.

These worrying forecasts oblige us, given the geographical neighborhood and the common challenges of this space to which we belong, to assume responsibility and develop a multidimensional and unified approach "animated by" our faith in our common destiny, so as to prepare "a better future for the sons of our region", Mr. Bourita said.

Arab and European parties have mechanisms and structures that can give new impetus to their cooperation, including the "5 + 5 Dialogue" and the "Union for the Mediterranean" (UfM), he recalled, hoping that the UfM "will have a new start in the near future".

Mr. Bourita called on the EU, as the main partner of Arab countries, to help its Arab neighborhood and support the economic recovery plans in these countries through financial and development support programs within the framework of the neighborhood policy.

Without a doubt, the Covid-19 pandemic has had a direct impact on the issue of migration, knowing that the spread of the virus is closely linked to the movements of people, he said.


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