Mr.Bourita: Declaration of 8th 5+5 Dialogue Ministerial Conference on Migration and Development, Consensual Document with Practical Provisions

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Mr.Bourita: Declaration of 8th 5+5 Dialogue Ministerial Conference on Migration and Development, Consensual Document with Practical Provisions
Marrakesh - The 8th Ministerial Conference of the 5+5 Dialogue on Migration and Development, held on March 01-02 in Marrakesh, ended with a Consensual Declaration with practical provisions, said, on Monday in Marrakesh, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad Nasser Bourita.

Speaking at a press conference held at the end of this conference, Bourita said that this meeting emphasized the need to follow up on the recommendations of this Declaration through the development of a roadmap for the operationalization of the conclusions of this 8th Ministerial Conference of the 5+5 Dialogue on Migration and Development.

He recalled that this Declaration covers five broad lines namely the coordination of national migration policies, the facilitation of legal migration, the establishment of links between migration and development, the fight against illegal migration and the integration policy of legal migrants.

After noting the specificity of this meeting, first as the first conference at the level of foreign ministers on migration and development, which is being held in Marrakesh, the city where the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration was adopted in 2018, and as a Conference drawing international, regional and civil society organizations, Bourita recalled that the Marrakesh Compact remains a reference in this area.

Even if migration is a matter of sovereign national policies, coordination, cooperation and complementarity are a necessity for a good management of this phenomenon, he added.

In addition, Bourita said that this conference was attended by 07 ministers and secretaries of state and various partners, including the European Union (EU), the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) and the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), adding that Algeria participated in an active and constructive manner and shouldered its responsibility to ensure the success of this conference.

Bourita called for focusing on more opportunities such as the sharing of good practices with notably exemplary experiences at the bilateral level (Morocco-Spain and Tunisia-Italy).

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Malta Evarist Bartolo called for the sharing of responsibilities and good practices in this area, noting that Morocco has set an example with its leadership alongside Spain in migration management.

The conference showed the need for an effective migration management, he added, lauding Morocco for its practical guidance to this ministerial conference.

Chaired by the Kingdom of Morocco, this 8th Conference aims to set a global, consensual and balanced framework for action in the Western Mediterranean on the issue of migration in its different dimensions.

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