Mrs. Suzi Carla Barbosa: “Guinea-Bissau Reiterates Continued Support for Moroccanity of Sahara”

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Mme Suzi Carla Barbosa: " La République de Guinée-Bissau réitère son soutien permanent à la marocanité du Sahara "
Dakhla, (MoFA) - The Republic of Guinea-Bissau reiterates its permanent support for the Moroccanity of the Sahara, said Friday in Dakhla Minister of Foreign Affairs and Communities of Guinea-Bissau, Mrs. Suzi Carla Barbosa.

"We have been maintaining the same position of support for Morocco on the Sahara issue over the past five years," Barbosa said at a joint press briefing with Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, following the inauguration of the Consulate General of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau in Dakhla.

"We are so coherent in our foreign policy with Morocco and we keep the same position on the Sahara issue," said Guinea-Bissau's top diplomat, noting that the United Nations is constantly working to reach a good resolution on this issue.

"Bissau-Guineans are so proud and happy with the cooperation with Morocco which has become even stronger, since last week, with the opening of Morocco's embassy to Guinea-Bissau with a view to setting a new stage in our cooperation that will become even more intense and stronger," she went on.

The opening of a Consulate General of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau in Dakhla is a "highlight" in political and diplomatic relations, stated Barbosa, welcoming the relations of fraternity and solidarity binding the two countries.

Guinea-Bissau's FM also thanked Morocco for being the first nation to provide humanitarian and medical assistance to her country in these difficult times of the coronavirus spread.

For his part, Mr. Bourita recalled the talks he had in Rabat with his Bissau-Guinean counterpart on various issues of common interest, stressing the importance of bilateral cooperation as well as the future prospects for developing these relations, with the holding of the joint commission.

He also expressed the resolve the two Heads of State, His Majesty King Mohammed VI and the President of Guinea-Bissau His Excellency Umaro Sissoco Embalo, to give more impetus to bilateral relations.

Morocco's FM also recalled the signing of four cooperation agreements in the areas of industry, tourism, transport, energy and logistics, which, he added, offer very promising prospects for relations between the two countries.

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