At OECD, Mr. Mohcine Jazouli presents His Majesty's action plan to deal with COVID-19 (Statement)

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Mohcine jazouli
Mr. Mohcine Jazouli, Minister Delegate to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, represented Morocco at the 6th High-Level meeting of the Governing Board of the Development Centre of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) held on October 06, 2020, by videoconference.

Speaking on the occasion of the 1st session “Building Resilient and Inclusive Societies”, Mr. Jazouli recalled the orientations of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, May God Assist Him, to face the effects of the health shock and of the economic crisis resulting from COVID-19.

On this occasion, the Minister Delegate presented the main thrusts of the action plan put in place in accordance with the Royal Instructions, namely:
- The special COVID-19 fund of more than 33 billion Dirhams established to respond to the emergencies of the pandemic and which has mobilized the entire Moroccan society;

- The Economic Recovery Plan of 120 billion Dirhams to support the recovery of the economic activity and create the conditions for a vigorous recovery from the crisis;

- The Universal Social Coverage project, established as a national priority, with 3 essential components: (i) the generalization of Compulsory Health Insurance (AMO); (ii) the granting of Family Allowances to all households; (iii) retirement for the benefit of the active population not covered and the loss of job indemnity for the benefit of the active population.

Mr. Jazouli stressed that all these steps are part of the Kingdom's resolve to maintain a balance between economic challenges and social imperatives.

He reiterated the Kingdom's support for the action plan of the OECD Development Center in order to promote the various initiatives aimed at overcoming the consequences of the pandemic and, thus, building inclusive and resilient economies.

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